• Recent events

    Webinar on the Virtual Programming Lab, 7 February 2024

    In the next and the final webinar in our series of workshops on All about conducting on-line testing with Moodle, we will introduce you to another popular add-on to Moodle, the Virtual Programming Lab, and its companion question type, the VPL question. The instructor is Astor Bizard of the Universite Grenoble Alpes, France, who is the developer of the VPL question.

    The course is only for the staff of all institutions under the UGC UGC and the affiliated institutions of LEARN. There is no registration fee.

    Registration: Those who already have accounts on this site just have to visit the course page and accept the self-registration. Course will be opened on Friday 2 February. Those who don't have an account yet may create a new account with your official e-mail account. The applications are processed manually. Please have patience.

    Webinar on Setting programming questions in Moodle with CodeRunner, 13 December 2023

    The CodeRunner is an Open Source question type for Moodle, which is capable of auto-correcting program code in all the popular programming languages. Its inventor, Dr Richard Lobb of University of Canterburry, New Zealand personally conducts this webinar. It also has a preparatory part to be done before the session and an optional workshop for homework with instructor guidance.

    Webinar on the Science and engineering question type Formulas for the Moodle LMS, 29 November 2023

    The lead-maintainer of the Formulas question type, Prof. Dominique Bauer of at the École de Technologie Supérieure in Montreal, the engineering faculty of the University of Quebec Montreal, Canada, conducted this webinar. It is now available as a self-learn course for the registered users of the site.

    Talk: How can computer-marked quizzes help students learn? 15 November 2023

    A presentation by Tim Hunt of the Open University, UK and the lead developer of Moodle quiz system as part of our series of workshops on All about conducting on-line tests with Moodle, 15 November 2023 (21 min)


    1. As teachers, we cannot do the student's learning for them. All we can do is to provide scaffolding and feedback to help them. Online quizzes let you do both.

    2. I want to talk about the two fundamentally different types of online questions: Selected response questions - like multiple choice - the student need only recognise the right answer in the possibilities given. Constructed response questions - like short-answer or formulas - the student must work out the answer without hints, but are harder to mark.

    3. Different ways to use questions, like exams or practice. I think you covered this in a previous session, but I want to say it again. In this section, I will probably demonstrate our embedded question plugins. I will probably also highlight interactive with multiple tries behaviour.

    4. Finally, I will talk a bit about academic integrity - which will start to move in the direction of what you will cover.

Site announcements

An own VPL Jail System for the UGC/LEARN institutions

by Admin User -

Dear all

Now we have our own VPL Jail System running. Those institutions under the UGC and the LEARN partner institutions may use them with the Virtual Programming Lab (VPL) assignments. The administrators of those sites may apply for access by messaging the Site administrator.

For the technical details behind this Moodle plug-in visit the course Webinar and workshop: The Virtual Programming Lab, now open for registered users for self-learning.

Older topics...

Available courses

As a follow-up to the 3-day intensive workshop Moodle Site Administration Essentials this Inter-Campus Moodle Community was established. All staff members of the institutions under UGC and members of LEARN have free access. (2023-03-13)

Practice course for the webinar/workshop "The science and engineering question type Formulas" by Prof. Dominique Bauer on 29 November 2023

In the book Programmieren lernen (PDF) by Philipp Gressly Freimann and Martin Guggisberg, programming is taught using numerous examples. Authentic examples encourage students to solve simple programming exercises independently. Learners can link different elements and create a program that runs.

All exercises are formulated independently of a programming language. This means that these exercises can be solved using any universal programming language.

The book is suitable for self-study as well as a supplement to computer science lessons. The theory is briefly discussed at the beginning of the chapters, but only to define the terms. The solutions section provides data for verifying the programs. Terms can also be looked up in a detailed index.

All exercises are differentiated and marked accordingly: easy, medium, difficult.

Each exercise in the book has a web code with which solutions and comments from other users can be viewed on programmieraufgaben.ch.

Orell Füssli Verlag: Out of print. 184 pages, ISBN: 978-3-280-04066-9

This Moodle version presents the tasks as Moodle quiz questions in the CodeRunner and VPL (Virtual Programming Lab) question types. The participant can have his solution corrected by Moodle and receives feedback...

Peradeniya, 18 August 2023. We are delighted to inform you that Lanka Education and Research Network (LEARN) in collaboration with EduNET.LK is organising a series of workshops on conducting on-line tests with the Moodle learning management system. Nominations are called from LEARN member institutions to participate in it and we cordially send this invitation for you to nominate one to two relevant staff members from your institution.

This workshop series prepares university teachers and their supporting staff to design, conduct and assess on-line tests using the excellent Quiz module of the Moodle learning management system. The use of advanced plug-ins for STEM subjects as well as how to secure high-stake exams belong to the highlights of the workshop.

The course is an instructor-led series of remote workshops with a heavy hands-on component. In seven one-hour live-sessions spaced with assignments the participants will be closely guided in their practice.

Learning outcome: Upon completion of this workshop series, the participants will:

  1. know the architecture of the Moodle's quiz system
  2. have first-hand experience in exchanging and creating the standard question types in Moodle
  3. know the different behaviours of tests in Moodle
  4. know how to formulate good questions
  5. know how to minimize the need for cheating by personalizing tests
  6. know how to secure high-stake exams with a lock-down browser
  7. be familiar with additional question types made especially for STEM subjects, including computer programming

Target audience: The teachers and the supporting staff of the universities under the UGC who want to use the on-line testing facility of the Moodle learning management system.

Prerequisites: You must have created basic courses in the Moodle LMS, for example courses for the students to download content. You need a PC or a laptop running a supported version of the Linux, macOS or Windows operating systems. You also need the latest version of a mainstream web browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari. Tablets and smart phones are not suitable.


  • 20 September 2023
  • 4 October 2023
  • 18 October 2023
  • 1 November 2023
  • 15 November 2023
  • 29 November 2023
  • 13 December 2023

Seven live sessions on alternating Wednesdays, always from 15:00 to 16:00 LKT.


  • Unit 1 (20 September): Getting started: Quiz architecture of Moodle, default question types, the default behaviours of tests and their applications, automatic marking and grading. Example tests, also from the participants.
  • Unit 2 (4 October): How to set up questions: What are good questions. How to integrate the quiz in to self-learning and assessment.
  • Unit 3 (18 October): Making tests, practice: Our team will guide the participants to convert their own material to on-line tests.
  • Unit 4 (1 November): Securing exams with the Safe Exam Browser (SEB)
  • Unit 5 (15 November): Minimizing cheating through personalization of tests
  • Unit 6 (29 November): Specialization on tests in mathematics: The built-in possibilities in Moodle and the additional question type Formulas.
  • Unit 7 (13 December): Specialization on programming: Programming exercises with automatic grading with the help of Virtual Programming Lab (VPL) and the CodeRunner question type add-ons.

The first four units are the essentials and as such mandatory. The participants may choose one or more units out of the units 5-7 depending on their needs.

Assessment and completion: You are expected to do all the assignments in Units 1 to 4. Out of the units 5-7 you can complete one or more units which are useful to you. All assignments are graded as completed or as not completed.

To complete the series successfully, you need to complete all assignments in units 1-4 and the assignments of at least one more unit. Upon successful completion you will be awarded with an e-certificate.

Instructors: Invited guests from different universities. Coordinator Mr Visvanath Ratnaweera, former senior lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya, now representing EduNET.LK.

Registration: By nomination through the heads of the institutions under the UGC. The total number of participants is limited to 50. We maintain a waiting list.

Contact: [registration closed]

This webinar on the question type Formulas, was conducted by its lead-maintainer Prof. Dominique Bauer of ... Montreal, Canada. It is now available as a self-learn course for the registered users of the site.

The CodeRunner is an Open Source question type for Moodle, which is capable of auto-correcting program code in all the popular programming languages. Its inventor, Dr Richard Lobb of University of Canterburry, New Zealand personally conducts this webinar. It also has a preparatory part to be done before the session and an optional workshop for homework with instructor guidance.

With the increasing number of students taking programming courses makes the grading of their programming. In our next and the final webinar on our workshop series All about on-line testing with Moodle, we will introduce you to another popular add-on to Moodle called the Virtual Programming Lab and its companion question type VPL question for the Moodle. The instructor is Astor Bizard of the Universite Grenoble Alpes, France, who is the developer of the VPL question plug-in.

The course is only for the staff of all institutions under the UGC and the affiliated institutions of LEARN. There is no registration fee.

Registration: Those who already have accounts on this site just have to visit the course homepage https://edunet.learn.ac.lk/course/view.php?id=679 and accept the self-registration. Those who don't have an account yet may create a new account through https://edunet.learn.ac.lk/login/signup.php. The response may take 24 h since the application is manually checked. Please use your e-mail from your institution.

Format of the webinar: There are preparatory exercises that need to be done before the webinar. You can enter the course starting from 3 February 2024. For those who want to dive deep, there are hands-on exercises with guidance. Please consult the detailed instructions in the course homepage.

A closed group of students getting prepared for careers in IT

This self-paced, remote workshop in multiple-parts is your first encounter with the Unix shell and its command interface which is at the heart of Unix/Linux. In six units of 2 to 3 hours of work each, this course makes the novice able to navigate confidently in a text terminal. This builds the foundation which is needed for any course involving Linux.


After completing this course, students will be able to:

  • distinguish UNIX from Linux
  • explain the features and advantages of Linux
  • navigate in the file hierarchy in Linux
  • create and maintain directories and files using commands
  • interrogate key parameters of the operating system environment
  • edit text files using a Unix text editor
  • communicate with other users in the same system using command tools

Course contents


The participants need to have:

  • a laptop or a PC with the latest version of a main stream browser - Firefox, Chrome/Chromium, Edge or Safari - running. Tablets and smart phones are acceptable for passive content but not for the hands-on part.
  • a stable Internet connection
  • A good user-level experience with any computer system.


Throughout the participants are required to submit their home work on to the learning platform. The home work will be continuously assessed; they determine the outcome of the course.

The pass marks are always 60%. Which means, to pass an activity you have to score 60% of the available points. To pass the whole course you have to earn 60% of the total points.

Course schedule

In this case study you will see how quickly a development environment can be installed on your laptop and start developing. All Free and Open Source Software!

In this module you install the virtualization software Oracle VirtualBox on your computer and run the Linux server image given to you. Then you will develop a couple of basic applications to learn how it works!

Please note that this is a demanding exercise for those you who haven't have some skill, as demonstrated in the two previous modules. Apart from that, you need a fairly powerful computer running a modern operating system and with 4 core, 1 GB RAM and 5 GB disk space to spare,. As the host system Windows 10 and 11, current Mac and Linux are supported.

A 3-day, on-premises, intensive workshop organized by LEARN in collaboration with EduNET.LK. Venue: From 7 to 9 February 2023, IT Center, Univeristy of Peradeniya

This workshop aims to train the participants, starting from a fresh Moodle site, to set it up to suit their organization and also to take the responsibility to run the site as its site administrator.

This is an instructor-led, on-premises workshop with a heavy hands-on component. In three full days, totaling six sessions of 3 hour duration each, the participants will be guided through a series of short inputs and comprehensive hands-on exercises on practice Moodle sites.

Learning outcome: After successfully completing the workshop the participants will be able to:

  • customize the site’s appearance to suit their institution
  • plan and implement the user authentication method(s)
  • plan and implement the course category hierarchy to meet the needs of the curriculum and handle the end-of-year transition
  • plan and implement the enrolment method(s) of users in the courses, also streamlining the procedure through global groups
  • manage courses, specifically backup courses, restore them, archive completed courses
  • extend Moodle through additional plug-ins
  • continuously monitor the site for its health

Target Audience: Moodle LMS administrators of LEARN member institutions

Prerequisites for the participants:

  • The participants should be familiar with using Moodle either as a student or a teacher or both
  • The workshop includes practical sessions providing hands-on work for the participants, and the participants must engage in and complete them.
  • The participants need to bring their own laptops with wireless capability, running a modern browser such as Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge or Apple Safari in their latest versions.

Assessment and completion: To complete the course you need to complete all the activities marked by a completion button. Some activities are automatically marked as completed by the LMS and others will be manually marked by the instructors.

Upon successful completion of all the compulsory activities you will be awarded a certificate.

Instructors: Mercy Anandakumar (LEARN), Ganganath Harischandra (Faculty of Veterinary Science), Dhammika Ihalagedara (Faculty of Dental Sciences), Visvanath Ratnaweera (EduNET.LK)

Infrastructure support: Deepthi Gunasekara (LEARN)